Gateway to Astronaut Photography Query Results Table Display

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ThumbnailLocationPhoto IDPhoto Date Geographic NameFeatures Identified ManuallyFocal Length (mm)Record Type
thumbnail image of ISS017-E-16161World map with latitude -54.4 and longitude 3.4 markedISS017-E-1616120080913BOUVET ISLANDCAPE VALDIVIA,SEA ICE,GLACIERS800Cataloged With Center Point
thumbnail image of ISS056-E-98289World map with latitude -3.1 and longitude 37.4 markedISS056-E-9828920180723TANZANIAMOUNT KILIMANJARO500Cataloged With Center Point
thumbnail image of ISS058-E-28096World map with latitude 27.0 and longitude -82.5 markedISS058-E-2809620190307USA-FLORIDACOAST,FLORIDA PENINSULA, FLORIDA KEYS, LAKE OKEECHOBEE, TAMPA BAY, ATLANTIC OCEAN, GULF OF MEXICO20Cataloged With Center Point
thumbnail image of AS17-148-22727AS17-148-22727197212__AFRICAAFRICAN CONTINENT, BLUE MARBLECataloged Without Center Point
thumbnail image of STS088-724-70World map with latitude -23.5 and longitude 14.0 markedSTS088-724-7019981211OCEANSUNGLINT, SPACE DEBRIS250Cataloged Without Center Point
thumbnail image of STS088-724-69World map with latitude -24.5 and longitude 13.1 markedSTS088-724-6919981211OCEANSUNGLINT, SPACE DEBRIS250Cataloged Without Center Point
thumbnail image of STS088-724-66World map with latitude -28.2 and longitude 9.4 markedSTS088-724-6619981211OCEANPAN-SNGLNT.,SPACE DEBRIS250Cataloged Without Center Point
thumbnail image of ISS071-E-406997World map with latitude 38.2 and longitude 44.4 markedISS071-E-40699720240718210Not Cataloged
thumbnail image of ISS071-E-406994World map with latitude 39.3 and longitude 42.8 markedISS071-E-40699420240718210Not Cataloged
thumbnail image of ISS071-E-319414World map with latitude 6.2 and longitude 96.2 markedISS071-E-3194142024070150Not Cataloged
Displayed: 10
Photo set: Weekly Top Photos
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