NASA's Image Detective Wiki - User Posts 0.690604414864541





User Posts

27 September 2014 foxylynn Questions/General
It has been about two weeks since my last submission and I am getting rusty already. I forgot to put the coordinates into my latest submission. Could you please note that image ISS036-E-36039 is centered on coordinates 35.919563,77.210624

I apologize for this error. Is there a better way of contacting you when a need such as this arises?
14 September 2014 foxylynn Questions/General
Is there a way we can submit corrections once an image is submitted. I just submitted a number of images that started in France but the last two were just over the Switz border.I didn't notice the border until just now, the coordinates and place names are correct but the country needs changing.

Also, I have been meaning to ask, will these pictures be viewed in their original orientation? If so then rarely is north up so would it be useful to indicate compass directions and which direction the top of the page is facing. Which leads to my next question, is there a character limit to the comments we submit?

The two images that need the country changed from France to Switzerland are ISS036-R-18800 AND ISS036-E-18799

2 entries