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Scientific Publications

A bibliography of scientific publications, sorted by category and date
Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center

Topics in this Document:
Peer-reviewed Journals
Book Chapters
Articles in Science Magazines
Conference Proceedings
Website Articles
Technical Report
University Published Research Paper

Peer Reviewed Journals
	Kyba, C.C.M, Garz, S., Kuechly, H., Sánchez de Miquel, A., Zamorano, J., Fischer, J., & Hölker, F. (2015). High-resolution imagery of the Earth at night: New sources, opportunities and challenges. Remote Sensing, 7, 7-23.
   	Stefanov, W.L., and Evans, C.A. (2015) Data collection for disaster response from the International Space Station. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences 40, 7/W3, pp. 851-855.

	Jehl, A., Farges, T., & Blanc, E. (2013). Color pictures of sprites from non-dedicated observations on board the International Space Station. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 118, 1-8.

	Jackson, C.R., & Alpers, W. (2010). The role of the critical angle in brightness reversals on sunglint images of the sea surface. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115. 

	Stefanov, W.L. (2008). Astronaut photography: “Hands-on” remote sensing of the Earth. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 88 (1), 2-7.

	Elvidge, C.D., Cinzano, P., Pettit, D.R., Arvesen, J., Sutton, P., Small, C., Nemani, R., Longcore, T., Rich, C., Safran, J., Weeks, J., & Ebener, S. (2007). The Nightsat mission concept. International Journal of Remote Sensing In press, 28(12), 2645-2670.

	Brock, R.H. (2006). ‘Perhaps the Most Incorrect of Any Land Line in the United States’: Establishing the Texas-New Mexico Boundary Along the 103rd Meridian. Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 109(4). 
   	Gebelein, J., & Eppler, D. (2006).  How Earth remote sensing from the International Space Station Complements Current Satellite-based Sensors. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(13), 2613-2629. 

	Andrefouet, S., Gilbert, A., Yan, L., Remoissenet, G., Payri, C., & Chancerelle, Y. (2005). The remarkable population size of the endangered clam Tridacna maxima assessed in Fangatau Atoll (Eastern Tuamotu, French Polynesia) using in situ and remote sensing data. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62, 1037-1048.

	Anderson, T.L., Charlson, R.J., Schwartz, S.E., Knutti, R., Boucher, O., Rodhe, H., & Heintzenberg, J. (2003). Climate forcing by aerosols—A Hazy Picture. Science, 300, 1103-1104.
   	Andréfouët, S., & Robinson, JA. (2003). The use of Space Shuttle images to improve cloud detection in mapping of tropical coral reef environments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(1), 143-149. 
   	Stefanov, W.L., Robinson, J.A., and Spraggins, S.A. (2003) Vegetation measurements from digital astronaut photography.  The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Information Sciences 34 (7/W9), pp. 185-189. 

	Robinson, J.A., Liddle, D.A., Evans, C.A., & Amsbury, D.L. (2002) Astronaut-acquired orbital photographs as digital data for remote sensing: spatial resolution. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(20), 4403-4438.
   	Stern, R.J., Beyth, M., Bodechtel, J., & Wetzel, H.U. (2002). Potential of the International Space Station for imaging Earth: Lessons from MOMS-2P aboard Mir. Geology, 30(9), 851-854.

	Robinson, J.A., Lulla, K.P., Kashiwagi, M., Suzuki, M., Nellis, M.D., Bussing, C.E., Lee Long, W.J., & McKenzie, L.J. (2001). Conservation Applications of Astronaut Photographs of Earth: Tidal-Flat Loss (Japan), Elephant Effects on Vegetation (Botswana), and Seagrass and Mangrove Monitoring (Australia). Conservation Biology, 15(4), 876-874.
	Eckardt, F.D., Wilkinson, J., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). Using digitized handheld Space Shuttle photography for terrain visualization. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21(1), 1-5.
   	Glasser, M.E., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). NASA astronaut photography depiction of the spatial and temporal characteristics of biomass burning. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21(10), 1971-1986.
   	Webb. E.L., Evangelista A.Ma., & Robinson, J.A. (2000). Digital land use classification using Space Shuttle-acquired orbital photographs: a quantitative comparison with Landsat TM imagery of a coastal environment, Chanthaburi, Thailand. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 66(12), 1439-1449.
   	Webb, E.L., Robinson, J.A., & Evangelista, A.M. (2000). Effects of Digitization and JPEG Compression on Land Cover Classification Using Astronaut-Acquired Orbital Photographs. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 

	Kulkarni, A.D., & Lulla, K.P. (1999). Fuzzy Neural Network Models for Supervised Classification: Multispectral Image Analysis. Geocarto International, 14(4), 42-51.

	Lowman. P.D, Jr. (1999). Landsat and Apollo: The Forgotten Legacy. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 65(10), 1143-1147. 

	Lulla, K., & Kulkarni, A. (1999). Fuzzy classification algorithms applied to satellite imagery from SPOT. Geocarto International, 20, 35-45.

	Nedeltchev, N.M. (1999). Space Shuttle photography-a powerful tool of remote sensing investigation of human effects on the Earth. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20, 183-188.

	Benner, T.C., & Curry, J.A. (1998). Characteristics of small tropical cumulus clouds and their impact on the environment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103(D22).
   	Wilkinson, M.J., Lulla, K.P., Bowersox, K.D., Rominger, K., Thornton, K., Coleman, C., Lopez-Alegria, M., Leslie, F., & Sacco, A. (1998). Space Shuttle Columbia’s earth observations photography (October 20 – November 5, 1995): A mission report. Geocarto International, 13(1), 83-97.

	Wilkinson, M.J., White, L.G., & Lulla, K.P. (1998). Rapid Devegetation Around Rural Ghettos in Northeastern South Africa. Geocarto International, 13, 43-46.

	Caruana, J., Lulla, K., Dickerson, P., Evans, C., Cockrell, K.D., Rominger, K.V., Musgrave, F.S., Jernigan, T.E., & Jones, T.D. (1997). Earth observations during Space Shuttle missions STS-80: Columbia’s images of Earth (November 19 – December 7, 1996). Geocarto International, 12(2), 95-104.

	Lulla, K. Astronaut-Acquired Earth Images Available at NASA website. (1997). Geocarto International, 12(2), 89-96.
   	Robbins, L.L., Tao, Y., & Evans, C.A. (1997). Temporal and spatial distribution of whitings on Great Bahama Bank and a new lime budget. Geology, 25, 947-950.
   	Zheng, Q., Klemas, V., Yan, X.H., Wang, Z., & Kagleder, K. (1997). Digital orthorectification of Space Shuttle coastal ocean photographs. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18, 197-211. 

	Eppler, D., Amsbury, D., & Evans, C. (1996). Interest sought for research aboard new window on the world: the International Space Station. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 77, 121-127.

	Lulla, K., Evans, C., Amsbury, D., Wilkinson, J., Willis, K., Caruana, J., O’Neil, C., Runco, S., McLaughlin, D., Gaunce, M., McKay, M.F., & Trenchard, M. (1996). The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography Database: An Underutilized Resource for Global Environmental Sciences. Environmental Geosciences, 3(1), 40-44.

	Runco, S., Lulla, K., Amsbury, D.L., Evans, C., Wilikinson, M.J., Willis, K., Frank, D., McKay, M.F., Walker, D.M., Cockrell, K.D., Voss, J.S., Gernhardt, M.L., & Nerman, J.H. (1996). Earth observations during Space Shuttle mission STS-69: Endeavour’s images of Earth (September 7-18, 1995). Geocarto International, 11(1), 91-104.

	Evans, C., & Allen, C. (1995). Volcanoes from Space. Volcano Quarterly, 4(4) 1-4.

	Lulla, K., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, M.J., Amsbury, D.L., Runco, S., McKay, M.F., McMonagle, D.R., Brown, C., Ochoa, E., Parazynski, S., Tanner, J., & Clervoy, JF. (1995). Earth Observations during Space Shuttle Flight STS-66: Atlantis’ Mission to Planet Earth (November 3-14, 1994). Geocarto International, 10(4), 91-104.

	Lulla, K., Evans, C., Wilkinson, J. (1995). Earth Observations during Space Shuttle Mission STS-51: Discovery’s Mission to Planet Earth (September 12-22, 1993). Geocarto International, 10(2), 69-79. 
   	Pitts, D.E., Lulla, K.P., McKay, M.R., Helfert, M.R., Brumbaugh, F.R., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, M.J., Helms, D.R., Ackleson, S.G., Nagel, S., Henricks, T., Ross, J., Harris, B., Precourt, C., Walter, U., & Schlegal, H. (1995). Earth Observations during Space Shuttle Mission STS-55: Columbia’s Mission to Planet Earth (April 26 – May 6, 1993). Geocarto International, 10(1), 67-79.
   	Zheng, Q., Klemas, V., & Yan, X.H. (1995). Dynamic Interpretation of Space Shuttle photographs: deepwater internal waves in the western Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 2579-2589.

	Amsbury, D.L., Evans, C.A., Ackleson, S., Brumbaugh, F.R., Helms, D.R., Lulla, K.P. (1994). Earth Observations during Space Shuttle Flight STS-49: Endeavor’s Mission to Planet Earth. Geocarto International, 9(2), 67-80. 
   	Amsbury, D.L., Wilkinson, M.J., Lulla, K., Ackleson, S., Brumbaugh, F.R., Evans, C., Helfert, M., Helms, D., Muehlburger, W., Gibson, R.L., Curtis, B.L., Lee, M.C., Jerome, A., Davis, J., Jamison, M.C., & Mohri, M. (1994). Earth Observations during the Space Shuttle Mission STS-47: Endeavor’s Mission to Planet Earth (September 12-20, 1992). Geocarto International, 9(3), 69-80. 
   	Lulla, K. (1994). Global sites to document long term ecological changes using Space Shuttle Earth Observations photography Databases: Omo River Delta, Lake Turkana (Africa) as an example of the database application. Geocarto International, 9(3), 12-15.
   	Lulla, K. (1994). Introduction to the new section on International Earth Observations from Space. Geocarto International, 9(1), 23-24. 
   	Lulla, K. (1994). Update on NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations photography on Laser Videodisc for rapid image access. Geocarto International, 9(2), 23-24. 
   	Yoder, J.A., Ackleson, S.G., Barber, R.T., Flament, P., & Balch, W.M. (1994). A line in the sea. Nature, 371, 689-692. 

	Lulla, K., Amsbury, D., Wilkinson, M.J., Evans, C., Ackleson, S., Shriver, L.J., & et al. (1993).  Earth Observations during the Space Shuttle Flight STS-46: Atlantis’ Mission to Planet Earth (July 31 – August 1992). Geocarto International, 8(3), 67-80.
   	Lulla, K.P., Helfert, M., Amsbury, D., Pitts, D., Evans, C., Wilkinson, J., Helms, D., Chambers, M., Brumbaugh, F., & et al. (1993). Earth Observations during the Space Shuttle Flight STS-50: Columbia’s Mission to Planet Earth (June 25 – July 9, 1992). Geocarto International, 8(2), 67-80.

	Lulla, K., Helfert, M., Amsbury, D., Pitts, D., Jaklitch, P.. Wilkinson, J., Evans, C., Ackleson, S., Helms, D., Chambers, M., Grabe, R., Oswald, S., Thagard, N., Readdy, W., Hilmers, D., Bondar, R., & Merbold, U. (1993). Earth Observations during the Space Shuttle Flight STS-42: Discovery’s Mission to Planet Earth (January 22-30, 1992). Geocarto International, 8(1), 69-80.

	Lulla, K.P., Helfert, M.R., Amsbury, D.L., Whitehead, V.S., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, J.M., Richards, R.N., Cabana, R.D., Shepherd, W.M., Akers, T.D., & Melnick, B.E. (1991). Earth observations during Shuttle flight STS-41: Discovery’s mission to planet Earth, October 6-10. Geocarto International, 6(1), 69-80.

	Lulla, K. Helfert, M., Evans, C., Wilkinson, M.J., Pitts, D., & Amsbury, D. (1993). Global geologic applications of the Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography database. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 59, 1225-1231.
   	Lulla, K., & Holland, S.D. (1993). NASA Electronic Still Camera (ESC) System used to image the Kamchatka Volcanoes from the Space Shuttle. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 14, 2745-2746. 

	Lulla, K. (1993). Space Shuttle Earth Observations Photography on the Laser Videodisc for rapid image access. Geocarto International, 8(2), 22-23.
   	Murali, A.V., & Lulla, K.P. (1993). Ramgrah Crater, Rajasthan, India: Study of Multispectral images obtained by Indian remote sensing satellite (IRS-IA). Geocarto International, 7(3), 75-80.
   	Turcotte, K.M., Lulla, K., & Venugopal, G. (1993). Mapping small-scale vegetation changes of Mexico. Geocarto International, 8(4), 73-85.
   	Zheng, Q., Yan, X.H., & Klemas, V. (1993). Derivation of Delaware Bay tidal parameters from Space Shuttle photography. Remote Sensing of Environment, 45, 51-59.
   	Zheng, Q., Yan, X.H., & Klemas, V. (1993). Statistical and dynamical analysis of internal wave on the continental shelf of the Middle Atlantic Bight from Space Shuttle Photographs. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 8495-9504.

	Amsbury, D.L., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Brumbaugh, F.R., Ackleson, S., Chambers, M.A., Evans, C.A., Helms, D.R., Wilkinson, J., Blaha, J.E., Adamson, J.C., & Baker, M.A. (1992). Earth Observations on Space Shuttle Flight 43, It was a Dirty World (August 2-11, 1991). Geocarto International, 7(2), 63-80. 
	Pitts, D.E., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., McKay, M.F., Whitehead, V.S., Amsbury, D.L., Bremer, J., Ackleson, S.G., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, J.M., Daley, W.J., Helms, D.R., Jaklitch, P., Chambers, M.A., Duncan, M., Bolden, C.F.Jr., Duffy, B., Lesstma, D.C., Sullivan, K.D., Foale, M., Lichtenberg, B.K., & Frimout, D.D. (1992). Earth Observations during the Space Shuttle Mission STS-45: Mission to Planet Earth (March 24 – April 2, 1992). Geocarto International, 7(4), 69-80.

	Evans, C.A., Chambers, M.A., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Wood, C.A., Shriver, L.J., Bolden, C.F., Hawley, S.A., Sullivan, K.D., & McCandless II, B. (1991). Earth observations during Space Shuttle flight STS-31: The Earth from 600 km (April 24-29, 1990). Geocarto International, 6(3), 99-111.
   	Lulla, K.P.., Evans, C.A., Helfert, M.R., Brand, V.D., Gardner, G.S., Lounge, J.M., Hoffman, J.A., Parker, R.A., Durrance, S.T., & Parise, R.A. (1991). Earth Observations during Space Shuttle flight STS-35: Columbia’s mission to planet Earth, December 2-10. Geocarto International, 6(1), 69-80. 
   	Lulla, K., & Helfert, M. (1991). Interview with John Young, NASA’s senior astronaut and Earth observer, and Jay Apt, a first-time flown astronaut. Geocarto International, 6(2), 65-70.

	Lulla, K., & Helfert, M. (1991). Smoke palls induced by Kuwaiti oilfield fires mapped from Space Shuttle imagery. Geocarto International, 6(2), 71-80.

	Amsbury, D.L., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Whitehead, V.S., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, J.M., Muehlberger, W.R., Runco, S.K., Stevenson, R.E., Gregory, F.D., Blaha, J.E., Carter, M.L., Musgrave, F.S., & Thornton, K.C. (1990). Earth observations during Space Shuttle mission STS-33: November 23-27, 1989. Geocarto International, 5(4), 67-79.
   	Everitt, J.H., Lulla, K.P., Escobar. D.E., & Richardson, A.J. (1990). Aerospace video imaging systems for rangeland management. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56, 343-349.

	Helms, D.R., Jaklitch, P.A., Chambers, M.A., & Whitehead V.S. (1990). The NASA Environment Remote Sensing Analysis Facility (ERSAF) support for Space Shuttle Earth Observations. Geocarto International, 5(2), 59-62.

	Helfert, M.R., & Lulla, K.P. (1990). Mapping continental-scale biomass burning and smoke palls over the Amazon basin as observed from the Space Shuttle. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56, 1367-1373.
   	Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Whitehead, V.S., Amsbury, D.L., Evans, C.A., Wilkinson, J.M., Johnson, W.R., Runco, S.K., Cleave, M.L., Walker, D.M., Grabe, R.J., Lee, M.C., & Thagard, N.E. (1990). Earth observations during Space Shuttle mission STS-30: May 4-8, 1989. Geocarto International, 5(1), 53-72.

	Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Whitehead, V.S., Wilkinson, M.J., Williams, D.E., McCulley, M.J., Baker, E.S., Chang-Diaz, F.R., & Shannon, W.L., et al. (1990). Earth observations during Space Shuttle mission STS-34: October 18-23. Geocarto International, 5(3), 65-79.
   	Helfert, M.R., Mohler, R.R.J, & Giardino, J.R. (1990). Measurement of areal fluctuations of Great Salt Lake, Utah, using rectified space photography. Houston Geological Society Bulletin, 32, 16-19.
   	Nellis, M.D., Lulla, K., Jensen, J. (1990). Interfacing geographic information systems and remote sensing for rural land-use analysis. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56, 329-331.
   	Wilkinson, V.S., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Amsbury, D.L., Wilkinson, M.J., Stevenson, R.E., Daley, W.J., Johnson, W.R., Runco, S.K., Muehlberger, W.R., Shaw, B.H., & Richards, R.N. (1990). Earth observations during Space Shuttle mission STS-28: August 8-13 1989. Geocarto International, 5(2), 63-80. 

	Amsbury, D.L., & Bremer, J. (1989). Medium format cameras used by NASA astronauts. Geocarto International, 4(3), 59-62.

	Amsbury, D.L. (1989). Expanding the utility of manned observations of Earth: 70 mm film tests on the Space Shuttle. Geocarto International, 4(1), 25-30.
   	Amsbury, D.L. (1989). United States manned observations of earth before the space shuttle. Geocarto International, 4(1), 7-14.

	Helfert, M.R., & Lulla, K.P. (1989). Monitoring tropical environments with Space Shuttle photography. Geocarto International, 4(1), 55-67.

	Helfert, M.R. (1989). NASA human-directed observations of the Earth from space: an introduction. Geocarto International, 4(1), 3-5.

	Helfert, M.R., & Wood, C.A. (1989). The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations Office. Geocarto International, 4(1), 3-5. 
   	Lulla, K.P, & Helfert, M.R. (1989). Analysis of seasonal characteristics of Sambhar Salt Lake, India, from digitized Space Shuttle photography. Geocarto International, 4(1), 69-74.
   	Lulla, K.P., Helfert, M., Whitehead, V., Amsbury, D., Coats, M., Blaha, & et al. (1989). Earth observations during Space Shuttle flight STS-29: Discovery’s voyage to the Earth (March 13-18, 1989). Geocarto International, 4(4), 67-80.
   	Mohler, R.R.J., Helfert, M.R., & Giardino, J.R. (1989). The decrease of Lake Chad as documented during twenty years of manned space flight. Geocarto International, 4(1), 74-79.

	Wood, C.A. (1989). Geologic applications of Space Shuttle photography. Geocarto International, 4(1), 49-54.

	Wood, C.A., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Covey, R.O. (1989). Earth observations during Space Shuttle flight STS-26: Discovery’s mission to Earth (September 20 – October 3, 1988). Geocarto International, 4(2), 55-63. 

	Whitehead, V.S., & Coulson, K.L. (1989). Earth scenes in polarized light observed from the Space Shuttle. Geocarto International, 4(1), 31-37.
   	Whitehead, V.S., Helfert, M.R., Lulla, K.P., Wood, C.A., Amsbury, D.L., Gibson, R., et al. (1989). Earth observations during Space Shuttle flight STS-27: A high latitude observation opportunity (December 2-6 1988). Geocarto International, 4(3), 63-76. 

	Kuchler, D.A., & Jupp, D.L.B. (1988). Shuttle photographs capture massive phytoplankton bloom in the Great Barrier Reef. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 9, 1299-1301.

	Sokolov, V.E., & Vinogradov, B.V. (1986). Man and the biosphere: the view from above. Nature and Resources, XXII, 13-23.

	Muehlberger, W.R., & Gordon, M.A. (1987). Observations on the complexity of the East Anatolian fault, Turkey. Journal of Structural Geology, 9, 899-903.

	Lins, H.F.Jr. (1976). Land-use mapping from Skylab S-190B photography. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 42, 301-307.

	Muehlberger, W.R., & Ritchie, A.W. (1975). Caribbean-Americas plate boundary in Guatemala and southern Mexico as seen on Skylab IV orbital photography. Geology, 3, 232-235.

	Wobber, F.J. (1969). Orbital photos applied to the environment. Photogrammetric Engineering, 35, 852-864.

Book Chapter
	Stefanov, W.L., Evans, C.A., Runco, S.K., Wilkinson, M.J., and Willis, K. (2013) Astronaut photography: Handheld camera imagery from Low Earth Orbit. In Pelton, J.N., Madry, S., and Camacho-Lara, S. (eds.), Handbook of Satellite Applications. Springer, New York, pp. 683-728.

	Stefanov, W.L., Robinson, J.A., & Spraggins, S.A. (2003). Vegetation measurements from digital astronaut photography. Remote Sensing of Urban Areas (pp.185-189). The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Sciences, 24 (7/W9).
	Alekseevskiy, N.I, Aibulatov, D.N., & Chistov, S.V. (2000). Shoreline dynamics and the hydrographic system of the Volga Delta. . In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.159-169). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Aristarkhova, L.B., Svitoch, A.A., & Bratanova, O.N. (2000). The morphological and geological structure of the northern coast of the Caspian Sea. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.149-157). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Baldina, E.A., Labutina, I.A., Rusanov, G.M., Gorbunov, A.K., Zhivoglyad, A.F., & Leeuw J.D. (2000). Changes in avian habitats in Volga Delta wetlands during Caspian sea-level fluctuations. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.172-180, 267, 282). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Dickerson, P.W. (2000). A Caspian chronicle: Sea-level fluctuations between 1982 and 1997. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.145-148, 266, 280-281). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Evans, C.A., Caruana, J., Amsbury, D.L. & Lulla, K.P. (2000). Fluctuating water levels as indicators of global change: examples from around the world. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.43-60, 262, 271-272). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Evans, C.A., Lulla, K.P., Dessinov, L.V., Glazovskiy, N.F., Kasimov, N.S., & Knizhnikov, Y.F. (2000). Shuttle-Mir Earth Science Investigations: Studying Dynamic Earth Environments from the Mir Space Station. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.1-14). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 
   	Evans, C.A., Robinson, J.A., Wilkinson, M.J., Runco, S., Dickerson, P.W., Amsbury, D.L., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). The 1997-1998 El Niño: Images of floods and drought. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.61-76, 262-263, 272-274). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
   	Glazovskiy, N.F., & Dessinov, L.V. (2000). Russian visual observations of Earth: historical perspective. . In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp15-23). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Glazovskiy, N.F., & Rudakov, V.A. (2000). Geographical, geological and ecological effects of Caspian sea-level fluctuations: an introduction. . In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.133-134). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Ignatov, E.I., & Solovieva, G.D. (2000). Geomorphology of southern Azerbaijan and costal responses to the Caspian transgression. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.221-229, 267-268, 283). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Kravtsova, V.I. (2000). Dynamics of the northeastern Caspian Sea coastal zone in connection with sea-level rise. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.191-199, 267, 282). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Kravtsova, V.I., & Mayo, E.G. (2000). Changes in costal vegetation in the northern Caspian region during sea-level rise. . In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.181-190). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Lulla, K., & Rundquist, B. (1997). Space Shuttle photography for detecting changes in Hong Kong’s land cover. In K.N. Au & K. Lulla (Eds.), Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta As Seen from Space Images (pp.57-62). Hong Kong: Geocarto International Center.

	Robinson, J.A., McRay, B., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). Twenty-eight years of urban growth in North America quantified by analysis of photographs from Apollo, Skylab and Shuttle-Mir. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.25-41,262,269-270). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
   	Robinson, J.A., & Noordeloos, M. (2001). Astronaut photography of coral reefs. M.D. Spalding, C. Ravilious, E.P. Green (Eds.), World Atlas Coral Reefs (pp.424). Berkeley: University of California Press. 

	Saganti, P.B., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). Windows of opportunity: photo survey of the Mir Earth observations windows. In K.P. Lulla, & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.121-129,266,280). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Shestakov, A.S. (2000). Land-use changes in the northwest Caspian costal area, 1978 through 1996: case study of the Republic of Kalmykia. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.231-239,268,284). ). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Shipilova, L.M. (2000). Eddy formation in the Caspian Sea. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.211-219, 267, 283). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
   	Tegen, I., Wilkinson, M.J., & Slattery, M.C. Interactions between soil dust aerosols and climate. In J. Boardman & D. Favis-Mortlock (Eds.), Climate Change and Soil Erosion. London: Imperial College Press, In press. 

	Varushchenko, A.N., Lukyanova, S.A., Solovieva, G.D., Kosarev, A.N., & Kurayev, A.V. (2000). Evolution of the Gulf of Kara-Bogaz-Gol in the past century. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.201-210). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Wilkinson, M.J., Lulla, K.P, & Glasser, M. (2000). Biomass burning and smoke palls with observations from Space Shuttle and Shuttle-Mir missions. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.99-119,265-266,278-279). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Wilkinson, M.J., Wheeler, J.D., Charlson, R.J., & Lulla, K.P. (2000). Imaging aerosols from low Earth orbit: photographic results from the Shuttle-Mir and Shuttle programs. In K.P. Lulla & L.V. Dessinov (Eds.), Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions (pp.77-98, 263-265, 274-277). Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

	Dickerson, P.W., & Keller, M. (1998). The Argentine Precordillera: its odyssey from the Laurentian Ouachita margin towards the Sierras Pampeanas of Gondwana. In R.J. Pankhurst & C.W. Rapela (Eds.), The Proto-Andean Margin of Gondwana (pp.85-105). London: The Geological Society. 

	Lulla, K., Helfert, M., & Holland, D. (1994). The NASA Space Shuttle Earth Observations database for global change science. R.A. Vaughan & A.P. Cracknell (Eds.), Remote Sensing and Global Change Science, 124 (pp.355-365). Springer-Verlag, Berlin: NATO ASI Series. 
	Lulla, K. (1993). Space Shuttle Earth Observations database for urban applications. K.N. Au & K. Lulla (Eds.), Cities of the world as seen from Space (pp.23-8). Hong Kong: Geocarto International Publishers. 

	Ring, N., Eyre, L.A. (1988). Manned spacecraft imagery. B.F.Jr. Richardson (Eds.), Introduction to Remote Sensing of the Environment (pp.112-129). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

	Robinson, J., Rai, A., Alleyne, C., Costello, K., Hornyak, D., Read, M., Ruttley, T., Stefanov, W.[L.], and Hosein, N. (eds.) (2015) International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 2nd Ed. Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2015-01-001-JSC, 139 p.
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	Üstün Aydıngöz. (2004). Turkey From Space As Viewed By Astronauts. Istanbul: Türkiye İş Banksı Kültür Yayınları.

	Kohlmann, B., Wilkinson, M.J., & Lulla, K.P. (2002). Costa Rica-desde el Espacio/from Space. San Jose, Costa Rica: Heliconia Press.

	Spalding, M.D., Ravilious, C., & Green, E.P. (2001). World Atlas of Coral Reefs: Prepared at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Berkeley: University of California Press. 

	Lulla, K.P., Dessinov, L.V., Evans, C.A., Dickerson, P.W., & Robinson, J.A. (2000). Dynamic Earth Environments: Remote Sensing Observations from Shuttle-Mir Missions. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

	Apt, J., Helfert, M.R., & Wilkinson, J. (1996). Orbit. New York: National Geographic Society. 

	Au, K.N., & Lulla, K. (1993). Cities of World as Seen from Space (An Atlas of satellite images). Hong Kong: Geocarto International Publishers. 
   	Nance, D., & Murphy, B. Earth Science Today, 2nd edition. In press: Brooks/Cole/Wadsworth.

Articles in Science Magazines
	Byrne, G.J. (2000). Cumulus Patterns. Weatherwise, 53(3), 30-35.
	David, L. (2000). Window on the World. Air & Space. 62-65.

	Robinson, J.A., & Evans, C.A. (2002). Space Station Allows Remote Sensing of Earth within Six Meters. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 83(17), 185-188.

	Byrne, G.J., & Runco, S.K. (1999). The awesome aurora. Weatherwise, 52(3), 38-42.

	Byrne, G.J, & Runco, S.K. (1998). The Lives of Thunderstorms. Weatherwise, 51(4), 32-39.

	Reilly, J.F., Muehlberger, W.R., Dickerson, P.W., Schmitt, H.H., & Young, J.W. (1998). Looking back at Earth. Geotimes, 11, 14-20.

	Byrne, G.J., & Byrne, W.W. (1997). In the wake of islands. Weatherwise, 50(5), 30-35.

	Byrne, G.J., Frank, D.R., & Runco, S.K. (1996). The view from the Space Shuttle. Weatherwise, 49(5), 24-33.

	Rundquist, B., & Lulla, K. GIS in International Space Station Era. GIS World, 23-33.

	Andrae, M.O. (1993). Global distribution of fires seen from space. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 74, 129-135.

	Vasyutin, V.V., & Tishchenko, A.A. (1989). Space Coloristics. Scientific American, 261(1), 84-90.

	Helfert, M. & Wood, C.A. (1986). Shuttle photos show Madagascar erosion. Geotimes, 4-5.

Conference Proceedings
	McGill MJ, Yorks JE, Scott S, Kupchock AW, Selmer PA.  The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS): a technology demonstration on the International Space Station. Proceedings of SPIE 9612, Lidar Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring XV, San Diego, CA.

	Robinson, J.A., Slack, K.J., Olson, V., Trenchard, M., Willis, K., Baskin, P., & Ritsher, J.B. (2006). Patterns in crew-initiated photography of Earth from ISS – Is Earth observation a salutogenic experience? Proceedings of the 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia Spain, IAC-06-A1.1.4, pp.9. 

    Runco, M., D.B. Eppler, K.P. Scott, S.K. Runco; Earth Science and Remote Sensing from the International Space Station utilizing the Destiny Laboratory's Science Window and the Window Observational Research Facility, Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), Information for Risk Management and Sustainable Development, Pages 737-740; Honolulu, Hawaii; November 10-14, 2003 (Symposium organized by the East-West Center [EWC], Honolulu, Hawaii; the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing [ISPRS], Bethesda, Maryland [American Chapter]; and the International Center for Remote Sensing of Environment, Tucson, Arizona) [ISBN 0-932913-10-5].
	Muehlberger, W.R. (1999). Intelligent remote sensing: tectonic observations from orbit. Geological Society of America, Program with Abstracts, 31(7), A-188.
   	Muehlberger, W.R. (1999). Structural details of Arabian Plate tectonic boundaries from orbit. Geological Society of America, Program with Abstracts, 31(7), A-188.

	Glasser, M., & Lulla, K. (1997). Assessment of NASA Database for depicting the spatial and temporal characteristics of biomass burning. Proceedings of ASPRS Annual Conference, 222-229.

	Muehlberger, W.R. (1994). Effects of Man on the Earth: the view from the Space Shuttle. Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 44(792), 29-39.

	Kaltenbach, J.L. (1990). Proceedings, Space Shuttle and Space Station Freedom Earth Observations Workshop. Houston, Texas. Johnson Space Center. 
   	Wood, C.A., & Nelson, R. (1990). Astronaut observations of global biomass burning. In Chapman Conference on Global Biomass Burning: Atmospheric, Climatic and Biospheric Implications, 1, 29-40.

Website Articles
	Runco, M., Runco, S., Stefanov, W.L., and Au, B. (2011) We can see clearly now: ISS Window Observational Research Facility. The Earth Observer 23 (3), pp. 25-27.  Originally posted on the NASA Earth Observatory.

	Evans, C.A., and Stefanov, W.L. (2008) Cities at night: The view from space. NASA Earth Observatory.

	Stefanov, W.[L.] (2005) The art of science: Astronaut photography from the International Space Station. NASA Earth Observatory.

	Robinson, J.A., & Evans, C. (2001). Astronaut Photography: Observing the Earth from the International Space Station. Earth Observatory.
   	Bauer, P.W., & Johnson, P.S. (2000). Geology and Hydrogeology of the southern Taos valley, Taos County, New Mexico. 

Technical Report
	Vanderbloemen, L.A., Stefanov, W.L., and Evans, C. A. (2014) A Researcher’s Guide to: International Space Station Earth Observations. Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2013-06-011-JSC, 48 p.

	Stefanov, W.L., and Evans, C. A. (2014) The International Space Station: A Unique Platform for Remote Sensing of Natural Disasters. Research and Technology Development Report 2014, NASA Report TM-2013-217382, pp. 241-242.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2012) Earth Remote Sensing from the Space Station—It’s Not Just Handheld Cameras Anymore. International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2012-02-003-JSC, pp. 31-33.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2012) Space Station Agricultural Camera Observes Flooding in North Dakota. International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2012-02-003-JSC, pp. 37-38.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2012) Monitoring the Health of the Lagoon of Venice From the Space Station. International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2012-02-003-JSC, pp. 39-40.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2012) Space Station Captures Tsunami Flooding in Northern Japan. International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, Johnson Space Center Publication NP-2012-02-003-JSC, pp. 44-45.

	Wilkinson, J., Runco, S., Willis, K., Stefanov, W.L., and Trenchard, M. (2011) Astronaut Earth Observations—Earth’s Dynamic Events and Twitpics. Biennial Research and Technology Development Report, Johnson Space Center Publication TM-2011-216163, pp. 322-324.

    Vaupel, D. E., K.R. Prince, A.J. Koehler, M. Runco; Potentiometric Surfaces of the Upper Glacial and Magothy Aquifers and Selected Streamflow Statistics, 1943-1972, on Long Island, NY, USGS, 1977 (Long Island Geobibliography Project, March 2010).
    Runco Jr., Mario, and Karen P. Scott; Optical Performance Requirements for Windows in Human Space Flight Applications (NASA/SP-2010-3407 - Human Integration Design Handbook, Appendix D). Baseline ed. Washington, D.C. 20546-0001: NASA, 1-27-2010. pp. 1089-1127. 1 Vol. NASA - Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 77058-3696. Web. 10 May 2011.
    Runco Jr., Mario, and Karen P. Scott; Basic Optical Theory Applied to Windows (NASA/SP-2010-3407 - Human Integration Design Handbook, Appendix C). Baseline ed. Washington, D.C. 20546-0001: NASA, 1-27-2010. pp. 1066-1078. 1 vol. NASA - Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 77058-3696. Web. 10 May 2011.
    Runco Jr., Mario, and Karen P. Scott; Optical Design Guidelines for Good Windows (NASA/SP-2010-3407 - Human Integration Design Handbook, Appendix C). Baseline ed. Washington, D.C. 20546-0001: NASA, 1-27-2010. pp. 1079-1088. 1 vols. NASA - Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 77058-3696. Web. 10 May 2011.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2009) Improving Access to Astronaut Photography through Google Earth. Biennial Research and Technology Development Report, Johnson Space Center Publication TM-2009-214795, pp. 216-217.

	Stefanov, W.L. (2009) Object-based Image Analysis of Astronaut Photography. Biennial Research and Technology Development Report, Johnson Space Center Publication TM-2009-214795, pp. 218-219.

    Runco Jr., Mario, and Karen P. Scott; Requirements for Optical Properties for Windows Used in Crewed Spacecraft (JSC-63307) Baseline ed. Houston, Texas 77058-3696: NASA, 6-28-2007. pp. 1-11, A1-A3. 1 vol. NASA - Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Web. 10 May 2011.

    Scott, K.P., L.W. Brownlow, M. Runco; International Space Station Cupola Scratch Pane Window Optical Test Results [Aerospace Corp. Technical Report 2003(7828)-1 [ATR-2003(7828)-1], NASA-JSC, January 17, 2003.

	Robinson, J.A., Holland, S.D., Runco, S.K., Pitts, D.E., Whitehead, V.S., & Andréfouët, S. (2000). High Definition Television (HDTV) Images for Earth Observations and Earth Science Applications, Report No. NASA TP-2000-210189. Houston, Texas: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. 

	Colwell, R.N., Weber, F.P., & Kirby, R.R. (1978). Agriculture, range and forestry, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA Sp-399, 79-117.
Eason, R.L. (1978). EREP Sensor System, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-399, 343-361.

	Hoffer, R.M., Joosten, R.E., Davis, R.G., & Brumbaugh, F.R. (1978). Land use and Cartography, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-399, 7-77. 

	Hoppin, R.A., Anderson, D.M., Stewart, R.K., Amsbury, D.L., Frierson, V.R., Mazade, A.V., & et al. (1978). Geology and Hydrology, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-399, 119-188. 
   	Pierson, W.J., Marlatt, W.R., Byrns, Z.H., & Johnson, W.R. (1978). Oceans and Atmosphere, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-399, 189-256. 
	Polcyn, F.C., Piech, K.R., Shapiro, A., York, L.B., & Potter, A.E. (1978). Data analysis techniques, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-399, 257-342.

	Barnes, J.C., Bowley, C.J., Parr, J.T., Smallwood, M.D. (1977). Snow-mapping experiment, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 417-461.
   	Black, P.G. (1977). Some aspects of tropical storm structure revealed by handheld-camera photographs from space, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 417-461.

	Campbell, W.J., Ramseier, R.O., Weeks, W.F., & Wayenberg, J.A. (1977). Visual observations of floating ice from Skylab, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 353-379.
   	Carneggie, D.M., & Fine, B.T. (1977). Vegetation patterns, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 243-262.
Dence, M.R. (1977). The Manicouagan impact structure observed from Skylab, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 175-189.
   	Friedman, J.D., & Heiken, G. (1977). Skylab 4 observations of volcanoes. Part A.  Volcanoes and volcanic landforms, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 137-173.

	Fujita, T.T., &Tecson, J.J. (1977). Mesoscale wake clouds in Skylab photographs, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 463-477.

	Holz, R.K. (1977). Cultural features imaged and observed from Skylab 4, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 225-242.

	MacLeod, N.H., Schubert, J.S., & Anaejionu, P. (1977). Report on the Skylab 4 African drought and the arid lands experiment, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 263-286.

	Maul, G.A., & McCaslin, M. (1977). An assessment of the potential contributions to oceanography from Skylab visual observations and handheld-camera photographs, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 339-352.

	McKee, E.D., Breed, C.S., & Fryberger, S.G. (1977). Desert sand seas, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 5-74.
   	Muehlberger, W.R., Gucwa, R.P. Ritchie, A.W., & Swanson, E.R. (1977). Global tectonics: some geological analyses of observations and photographs from Skylab, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 49-88.
   	Pitts, D.E., Lee, J.T., Fein, J., Sasaki, Y., Wagner, K., & Johnson, R. (1977). Mesoscale cloud features observed from Skylab, in: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab explores the Earth. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 479-501.
   	Randerson, D. (1977). Quantitative analysis of atmospheric pollution phenomena, in: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab explores the Earth. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 381-405.
   	Silver, L.T., Anderson, T.H., Conway C.M., Murrary, J.D., & Powell, R.E. (1977). Geological features of southwestern North America, in: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab explores the Earth. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 89-135.
   	Simkin, T., & Krueger, A.F. (1977). Skylab 4 observations of volcanoes. Part B. Summit eruption of Frenandina Caldera, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, in: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab explores the Earth. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 171-172.
   	Skillman, W.C., & Shenk, W.E. (1977). Meteorological applications of Skylab handheld-camera photographs, in: NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab explores the Earth. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 407-415.
   	Stevenson, R.E., Carter, L.D., Vonder Haar, S.P., & Stone, R.O. (1977). Visual observations of the ocean, in: Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. Skylab EREP Investigations Summary. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA SP-380, 287-338.

	El-Baz, F. & Mitchell, D.A. (1976). Earth observations and photography experiment MA-136, in: NASA Editorial Review Board (Eds.), Apollo-Soyuz test project preliminary science report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, NASA TM X-58173, 10-1 to 10-64.
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	Willis, K.J., Dickerson, P.W., & McRay, B.H. (1998). Canyons, Craters and Drifting Dunes: Terrestrial Analogues on Earth’s Moon & Mars. Earth Observations and Imaging Newsletter, Office of Earth Sciences, NASA Johnson Space Center.

	Muehlberger, W.R. (1994). Look out below! Space Shuttle views show a world where nature and man pose threats. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Explorer, 30-5.

University Published Research Paper  

	Wilkinson, M.J. (1990). Palaeoenvironments in the Namib Desert: the Lower Tumas Basin in the Late Cenozoic. The University of Chicago, Department of Geography Research Paper, Report No. 231.


	Muehlberger, W.R. (1981). The splintering of the Dead Sea Fault Zone in Turkey. Bulletin of Institute of Earth Sciences of Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey, 100, 125-130. 


	Amin R, Gould, Jr. RW, Hou W, Arnone RB, Lee Z. Automated system and method for optical cloud shadow detection over water. United States Patent and Trademark Office.US8509476B2. August 13, 2013. (HICO Team)
	Wilkinson, M.J.  Method for Identifying Sedimentary Bodies from Images and Its Application to Mineral Exploration.  United States Patent and Trademark Office.US6851606. January 10, 2006. (ESRS)